Saturday, March 21, 2009

Miley shakes her Moneymaker

Pop star Miley Cyrus gave the paparazzi a show of her dance moves. The 16 year old did a rather provocative dance while at a beauty salon the other day. Here's the video to see for yourself.

Miley should be more careful has to how "sexy" she gets. She has many younger fans to be a role model to and dancing in provocative ways isn't something for 7 year old to see. I wonder what her Dad and Disney will approve of this scandal.


  1. I think Miley should be more careful about the things she does. She has to remember that although she is a teenager that is becoming an adult, she still has an army of Hannah/Miley fans that she needs to be a role model for. A lot of these fans will do anything Miley says or does and if she is not careful, she'll have a lot of primary school girls taking pictures in their showers and dancing provocatively.

  2. Definately, and many of these fans do have the internet and can access just about anything. They can go on youtube and search the latest news on her. Miley has to come to realize that everything she does ends up here on the internet and she is clearly setting a very bad example for these young girls.
